Want To Build A Website?
Here's The Best Way You'll Ever Find

HOW do you get to your goal - your dream - of an online business?

It wasn’t too long ago that I was going a little crazy looking for a way to build an online business. I didn’t really think I could do it.

My big problem: I had never really done much more with a computer than use my email and do a write a bunch of documents in Microsoft Word.

I knew enough to be worried about the fact that making up a bunch of web pages and getting a url wasn’t going to make anyone actually find my business online, because a lot of very smart tech people are competing for the attention of readers there. If you’re a tech newbie, you probably have the same questions I did:

  • How do I build a site that looks good and actually works? One that makes it easy for my visitors to actually find what they’re looking for?
  • How can I know that people will be able to FIND my site in the first place, and see all that great information I want to present?
Well, you may have read some stuff about internet marketing. If you did, you probably felt confused about at least some of the terms like HTML, Frontpage, Hosting, Search Engine Optimization. Long Tail, SEO, Spiders, Bots, Keywords and so on and so forth…. Wow! I had no idea what most of those words really meant! How could I ever set up a site that would actually work, being a tech “newbie”?

Well, the funny thing is, I was able to do it, even though I’ve remained pretty much a tech “newbie.”

You may have a couple of different reactions when you look at this site: Ireland-fun-facts.com:
• "I could easily do better than that!", or
• "I wish I could build something like that", or
• "What does it cost to build something like that?" or
• "I want to figure out how to create a site about my own favorite topic!"

Of course, you may simply feel:
• "There’s no way I could build a website like this"

Hey – I don’t think my site is all that brilliant, but I do know that it’s visited now by tens of thousands of people each month, and a lot of them send me very nice notes saying how much they enjoy it. I also know that because of it, my DREAM of an online business is actually coming true.

THAT’S BECAUSE I WAS LUCKY ENOUGH TO FIND THE BEST ANSWER OUT THERE on how to make a site with the limited knowledge and money I had.

Here’s the SECRET of how to do it!
You need to put in some effort, but the truth is that it’s not technically difficult, it doesn’t cost that much money, and that if you have a passion you like to talk about, you can probably build a site like his in a very short time. I have no doubt you can do better, in fact, because I’m not that smart!

But this is THE MOST IMPORTANT PART: You can not only build a site that looks good and draws visitors, but with this system you can get moving right from the start in a direction that will allow you to make a living through your site. You won’t believe how many ordinary folks out that have realized that this method doesn’t just give you a website – it gives you a real business online! The truth is you may be a little shocked by how much money you can make once you get going.

I’m not kidding…a ton of people have already been very successful building online businesses this way, even though they started out knowing absolutely nothing about how to build a website, or how to make any money from one.

Reality Not Fantasy
I won’t try to deceive you, though. This is NOT a wild and crazy way to get rich fast. It’s a technique for creating a real business from the ground up – one that’s set up in a way that actually makes sense and can work over the long run. It WILL take an effort on your part to make this happen. But if your experience is like mine, you will make money on it, and you’ll actually enjoy getting even more involved in your favorite “passion” as you develop it into a web business.